Putting the ‘Play’ Back in the Park – Langholm

Langholm, Ewes and Westerkirk Community Council identified evidence of concern within the community regarding the play area within Langholm’s Buccleuch Park.  In response, they formed a sub-committee to confirm community demand for a project to be developed, in partnership with the Council, and then taken forward. 


This is a joint regeneration initiative between Langholm Community Council and Dumfries and Galloway Council, with one of D&G Council’s Communities staff in Langholm leading on the consultation.


The sub-committee set up a Facebook page which attracted around four hundred ‘likes’ and a community engagement event held in the park was well supported.  In addition to providing evidence of community support, this process also highlighted the wish for broader improvements to the park, beyond play provision.


Inspired by the national ‘Grounds for Learning’ project, the sub-committee have decided to aim for an innovative design which will combine the installation of traditional play equipment with landscaping works which will allow for a multitude of creative learning opportunities. 


Within the past year, the sub-committee have raised finance to appoint an independent designer, to create a ‘concept design’ in partnership with the community and Dumfries and Galloway Community Council. The chosen designer, Judi Legg of Wildside Designs, has made visits to the park to talk to users and observe activity both of which have informed the design.


The sub-committee are now delighted to show the community the design and invite their views during a consultation which will run from Saturday 12th November until Tuesday 29th November. The design will be launched at a coffee morning from 9.30am – 12.30pm in Langholm’s Buccleuch Centre where there will be an opportunity to see the design and talk to the designer as well as a designated play area for children.


Throughout the consultation period, members of the sub-committee will be consulting with local individuals and groups. People are encouraged to view the design and give their views through the sub-committee’s survey. This can also be completed on Dumfries and Galloway Council’s website: www.dumgal.gov.uk/consultations or via a paper format available from Langholm Town Hall. Completed surveys can be handed into the Town Hall, Buccleuch Centre or Langholm Playcare.


Dumfries and Galloway Council are also creating posters to draw the public’s attention to the project and will be sending home leaflets in local pupil’s bags to encourage more people to take part.


The results of the survey will be available at the Town Hall and on the sub-committee’s Facebook page in December. If the project meets with community approval, the sub-committee then hopes to raise money to pay for the next stage in the process which is the production of a detailed and fully costed plan.


Chair of Annandale and Eskdale Area Committee, Cllr Ronnie Ogilvie said: “I am delighted to hear that the community in Langholm is coming together to support this venture and I would strongly encourage the wider community to pop along and see the designs for themselves.


Community views are vital to projects like this, so it’s important that everyone puts their opinions forward through the consultation, in order to get the playpark that people in Langholm want.”

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