Red Squirrel Groups of Galloway…Assemble!

The advance of Grey Squirrels in recent years has been well-advertised, at the cost of our beloved native Red Squirrel species. As Red Squirrels have disappeared from most of the United Kingdom, their Galloway stronghold has become increasingly important. We have a vibrant population of Red Squirrels, but this cannot be taken for granted.

This week saw the coming together of the Glenkens, Castle Douglas, Gatehouse and Kirkcudbright Red Squirrel Groups to mark what is hoped to be a step-change in activity to resist the grey squirrel advance. This work, supported by the Galloway Glens Landscape Partnership and the Saving Scotland’s Red Squirrels project, aims to allow the separate groups to make the best use of latest technology and information in the efforts to control the grey squirrel advance and to raise the profile of this issue, enlisting the public to help.

The Galloway Glens Scheme, using their award from the National Lottery Heritage Fund, has funded the purchase of cameras, thermal imaging scopes and IT equipment to assist them in their important work. This was presented to the groups this week and forms part of a range of efforts being made locally to support the red squirrel, including the Barrhill Woods hide, the work by Glenkens & Gatehouse groups, and the formation of the new Castle Douglas group.

One of the biggest things that members of the public can do to assist the cause is to log sightings of Squirrels on the Saving Scotland’s Red Squirrels website: Whether the squirrel you see is grey or red, alive or dead, the data is vital in tracking their distribution in Scotland.

Bob Peace, from the Glenkens Red Squirrel Group, added:

“We are most grateful for the donation of this equipment which will be most useful in our collective efforts to control the invasive grey squirrel, and help us to continue our efforts in conserving our iconic native red squirrels within the Glenkens.
Whilst no doubt technology helps it only augments the valuable work done by our volunteers and we still very much rely on the public to report any sightings of either red or grey squirrels.”


Rob Asbridge, from the Kirkcudbright Red Squirrel Group, said:

”The general public have been superb at reporting sightings of Grey and Red squirrels and with their continued help we can help maintain our Red Squirrel population for future generations.


Peter Garson, from the Gatehouse Red Squirrel Group, added:

“We really appreciate the support of Galloway Glens to further our work and involve more people in the campaign. A thermal imager enables us to spot otherwise invisible squirrels because they are hotter than their surroundings. Gong for a walk with this kit literally opens your eyes wider! Wildlife cameras spot squirrels for days on end whilst we are elsewhere. I think guided walks to show more people how to use this equipment will be fun, besides giving us an opportunity to spread the word. And having our own projection equipment means we can go anywhere, anytime to give presentations too.”

Lewis Wilde, from the newly formed Castle Douglas Red Squirrel Group, set up with the assistance of the National Trust for Scotland’s Threave Estate, added:

At long last the Red Squirrel has a saviour in South Scotland. Imperilled by incoming Grey Squirrels and the pox they carry, many have already died at the hands of this disease. Now by precise observation, careful note taking and efficient execution, the Grey Squirrel must face a force which will cut down its numbers in this area.
With the co-operation of the Galloway Glens Scheme, the 4 groups in the area, now aided by a cash injection, will be able to buy the necessary equipment to carry out the tasks needed to halt the Grey.”

Nick Chisholm, Galloway Glens Project Officer, said:

Red squirrels are one of our most engaging native mammals but there is a real risk that they will be wiped out by the invasive North American grey squirrel, mainly via the squirrel pox virus which it transmits to reds with lethal consequences. Galloway is one of their most important strongholds on the mainland of Britain so if we wish future generations to see them it is essential that we act swiftly and in a co-ordinated way. I am really pleased that we have be able to equip the local volunteers with equipment that will not only help them control the invasive grey squirrels but will also increase the resources available for education.

Giuliana Sinclair, from the Saving Scotland’s Red Squirrels project said:

I am thrilled to see 4 of our 18 local squirrel groups across South Scotland joining together and taking the lead on red squirrel conservation in the heart of Galloway. Thanks to the Galloway Glens’ generous support, the standard of conservation work will be raised considerably as will the collaboration between groups – this will be essential to ensure our iconic red squirrels continue to thrive in Galloway long into the future.”

This week sees the launch of an appeal for help in Galloway. If you can assist your local Red Squirrel Group, please do get in touch!

Contact details for each group as follows:

The Red Squirrel has been identified as a priority species for the Galloway & Southern Ayrshire UNESCO Biosphere. As the Galloway Red Squirrel groups came together, Ed Forrest, the Biosphere Co-Ordinator, added:

“Fantastic to see such commitment from local volunteer groups across Galloway eager to engage the wider public in understanding, monitoring and recording sightings of such an iconic and important species in our UNESCO Biosphere”


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