Region’s Covid Cases Dip Under 1000 For First Time In Weeks

CASES of COVID-19 in Dumfries and Galloway have dropped below 1000 per week for the first time since February.

In the week ending Sunday April 17 there were 975 new cases, down from 1158 the week before. This built on the decline from 1434, down from 1889 the week before that.

Director of Public Health Valerie White said: “It’s great to see cases of COVID continuing to decline in Dumfries and Galloway.
“Although these are still high numbers, we are now in a much better position than we have been in recent weeks.
“Thank you to everyone who has continued to make an effort to help stop the spread of COVID-19.
“Testing when you don’t have symptoms has come to an end for most people – with the exceptions of people working in health and social care, and those people visiting health and social care settings like hospitals and care homes.
“However, PCR testing for anyone who does have symptoms is still available until the end of the month, and anyone experiencing any symptoms should isolate and arrange to be tested.
“National guidance meanwhile strongly recommends the continued use of face coverings in indoor public settings, as this can help prevent you from unknowingly spreading COVID to others.
“As better weather arrives, we can hopefully look forward to living more normal lives. It’s still important to remember other people’s welfare, though, and not place others at risk.
“It’s also important that everyone looks to ensure they are as fully vaccinated as possible. For information, visit
“Please note that second dose boosters are being provided to over 75s, people in older adult care homes and over 12s who are immune-suppressed.
“Note – there are no further boosters currently for anyone outside these cohorts, such as people younger than 75.
“For more information on vaccination opportunities, please visit”

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