Reader in Residence boost for Library Service

Dumfries and Galloway Library Service is delighted to announce their success in securing a Reader in Residence post for the library service funded by the Scottish Book Trust. Local author, poet and storyteller Renita Boyle is the new Reader in Residence and will be working alongside the libraries to stimulate and deliver innovative projects around reading.
Councillor Tom McAughtrie , Chairman of the Community and Customer Committee, said “Renita is highly creative and community spirited. These projects are sure to engage, equip, inspire and leave a lasting legacy throughout our region.”
Projects will include;
• ‘Tell it Together’ Training: The Art of Storytelling for Literacy – library staff workshops to encourage, support and develop storytime skills. A pilot project for storytelling training in high schools.
• ‘Tell it Together with Jack and Lily’: Storytelling and Literacy Club for Kids – new storytime clubs in branches.
• ‘Tell Your Own Story: Oral Reminiscence and Memoir Writing Group -workshops exploring the value of owning your own story and using your own voice to tell it. Objects, music and survey will be used to help recall, reminisce and write individual pieces of memoir (prose, poetry, art journal).
• ‘Tell it Old School’: Themed Trad Tale Experiences: Seasonal stories will be warmly and traditionally re-told to introduce new adult audiences to the library and increase participation.
• ‘Tell it with our Readers’: Book Week Scotland – Human Library – A vibrant Readers Day will be created to celebrate literature. It will include a ‘Human Library’ whereby local authors, poets and historians become ‘human books’. Books are ‘borrowed’ and read to their borrowers for a short time.
• Tell it Out and About – exploring ways in which the library service can increase engagement in social media, festivals, schools and other events.
Philippa Cochrane, Head of Reader Development at Scottish Book Trust, said:
“We are really pleased that Renita Boyle has accepted the position of Reader in Residence at Dumfries and Galloway Library Services. The residency will be shaped by Renita’s interests and skills and also by the needs of the library users, and I look forward to seeing the results of this fantastic collaboration.”
Full details of all the events in local branches can be found on;

Web –
Facebook –
Twitter – @DumGalLibraries
Connect with Renita Boyle through these links
Twitter: Renita Boyle@TaleTwisters

Image attached of Renita Boyle

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