Report Says Good Levels Of Care Being Delivered At DGRI

Inspectors from  Health Care Improvement Scotland have issued a report after they carried out an an unannounced inspection to Dumfries & Galloway Royal Infirmary, NHS Dumfries & Galloway between Monday 20 and Wednesday 22 March 2023.

They stated in the report that –

“At the time of inspection, Dumfries & Galloway Royal Infirmary, like much of NHS
Scotland, was experiencing a significant range of pressures including increased
hospital admissions, increased waiting times in admission units and reduced staff
availability. During our inspection the site was operating at over 100% capacity.
Despite ward areas and departments being busy and experiencing staff shortages,
we observed the majority of areas were calm and well organised with visible
leadership and multidisciplinary teamwork to support the safe delivery of care.
We observed good levels of care being delivered in the majority of areas inspected
and all interactions observed were positive and person-centred.
We observed a high standard of facilities for patients and visitors including an open
and spacious concourse where patients could access outdoor walks. There were
helpful and caring volunteers and reception staff at the entrance to the hospital to
assist and direct people to the right areas.”

They continued –

Senior hospital managers displayed good oversight and understanding of their
clinical areas and the wider system pressures across the hospital. We observed
senior management teams exploring new ways to address the staffing challenges and high levels of patient occupancy.
Areas for improvement identified during this inspection include person-centred care
planning, the application of risk assessments for contingency beds and fire safety risk assessment and evacuation plans for the use of contingency beds and non-standard care areas.
We also raised concerns about the use of a closed circuit television camera (CCTV)
situated in a patient interview room within the emergency department. Senior
hospital managers responded quickly to this concern and took immediate action.
They also provided a detailed plan that includes short and long term actions to
address the concerns raised in relation to this matter.

This inspection resulted in five areas of good practice, one recommendation and seven requirements. 

A spokesperson for Health Care Improvement Scotland said “We expect NHS Dumfries & Galloway to address the requirements.”

Read the full report from Health Care Improvement Scotland HERE


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