Report On Wigtownshire Maternity Services Due Before IJB Committee 

A REPORT on maternity services in Wigtownshire has been prepared for a sub-committee of the region’s Integration Joint Board. 


The review of maternity services was launched on January 18 under independent expert chairs, seeking views from stakeholders to help inform approaches.


Welcoming the report due before Dumfries and Galloway Integration Joint Board’s (IJB) Transformation and Innovation/Futures Committee on August 10, Head of Midwifery Laura Boyce said: “I’m very pleased that a report is coming to this sub-committee.
“I’d like to express my sincere thanks to the two independent chairs, NHS Ayrshire and Arran Medical Director Crawford McGuffie and NHS Ayrshire and Arran Executive Nurse Director Jennifer Wilson, and for the support provided by professional midwifery expert Angela Cunningham.
“This work started in January within the context of the temporary suspension of low-risk, intrapartum maternity services at Galloway Community Hospital which came into effect in 2018 due to staffing pressures.”


The Transformation and Innovation/Futures Committee will meet to consider the report on August 10.

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