Last chance for objections to damaging wind farm proposals near Sanquhar
RSPB Scotland is urging people in Dumfries and Galloway to have their say on proposals for a damaging new wind farm, before the public consultation closes on February 28.

Mid Rig (Spango) wind farm is a proposal for fourteen 145m wind turbines to be built on an area of moorland 4km north of Sanquhar. The site is part of the Muirkirk and north Lowther Uplands Special Protection Area (SPA) and is internationally important for threatened wildlife, such as hen harriers, peregrines, merlins, short-eared owls and golden plovers.

RSPB Scotland’s Chris Rollie, said: “We examine individual wind farm proposals very carefully, and most pose no serious threat to birds or other wildlife. We are objecting to Mid Rig because we believe the potential for harm is unacceptable, and any turbines at the site would specifically threaten birds such as hen harriers, already under pressure from illegal persecution and habitat restriction.

“We are extremely concerned about the proposals for this wind farm, as we would be about any threat to this particular site. The wind farm would be located within an area that is truly spectacular for wildlife, and an SPA, one of the highest environmental designations in Europe.

“We are urging people in the region to find out more about the proposals, and lodge their opinion with Dumfries and Galloway Council before the up-coming deadline.”

Anyone wishing to object to Mid Rig (Spango) wind farm can do so by writing to Dumfries and Galloway Council by Friday, February 28. Clearly mark your response with the Application Number: 13/P/3/0578, for the attention of the Case Officer: Patrick Hanna.

The easiest way to respond is by emailing [email protected]. You can also send a postal response to Patrick Hanna, Planning and Environment Services, Development Management, Kirkbank, English Street, Dumfries, DG1 2HS.

There is more information on the RSPB web site. Go to and search for Spango wind farm.

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