School Pupils Get Insight Into Hospital’s Roles

SCHOOL pupils from a Dumfries primary spent a busy morning at Midpark Hospital engaged in a range of activities – and helping to turn on its Christmas lights.


The 22 enthusiastic pupils from Brownhall Primary visited the mental health hospital as part of their studies looking at different professions.


Senior Charge Nurse on Cree Ward Eilidh Dickson said: “We had an absolutely fantastic morning, with the pupils getting to try out a wide range of therapeutic activities of the same kind staff employ with patients at Midpark.
“Pupils got to try out African drumming, collaborated with occupational therapists on craft projects, and tested their skills with physiotherapy exercises such as balancing on balls and stretching with bands.
“The youngsters also got to try out their reflexes by seeing how quickly they could turn off the lights on the light-up reaction wall.
“They also got a chance to look the part, by donning some of our authentic healthcare uniforms.”

The visit came after Brownhall Primary recently took part in ‘Scottish Careers Week’, which saw the children learn about developing their skills for learning, life and work. During the course of the week they visited Dumfries and Galloway College to see the courses on offer and many other visitors came into the school to share their roles as an electrician, police constable, Usual Place staff, careers advisor and NHS nurse.


Pupils also recently contributed to International Nurses Day, creating a range of colourful posters which hang in the main reception at Midpark Hospital.


And that was the setting for the end of the visit, when the pupils gathered round to help finish decorating the large Christmas tree which sits at the entrance.


Joined by staff, the pupils then turned on the tree’s lights to help mark the start of the festive period.


Brownhall Primary Head Teacher Mrs Scriven said: “The visit to Midpark Hospital not only consolidated the work we have been doing with NHS, as we took part in the ‘National Nurses Day’ competition, but it continued to give the children the opportunity to learn about the work and jobs that can be carried out in a hospital.
“The staff at Midpark were amazing as they warmly welcomed us to share the different roles that they all have at the hospital.
“The children joined in many ‘hands on’ tasks as they toured the different areas and the staff were very impressed by their enthusiasm and interest as they asked lots of good questions.
“Brownhall teachers were absolutely delighted with the visit and felt that the staff shared so much more than just a tour of the building. The team gave an insight to the variety of roles and important jobs that they have to offer when supporting local people in their care.”

Mrs Scriven and Senior Charge Nurse Eilidh Dickson agree that there is more work in partnership that can be planned to develop inter-generational working between Brownhall Primary and Cree Ward at Midpark Hospital.


Eilidh said: “It was a joy to have the Brownhall Primary pupils visit Midpark Hospital. Their energy and curiosity reminded us of the importance of fostering connections between healthcare and the community. We hope the day inspired them to consider the many rewarding roles within health and social care.
“Their artwork has truly brightened our space, and their presence brought an early dose of festive cheer to everyone here.”


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