Scottish Apprenticeship week showcases the successes of apprentices who have chosen to develop their careers by learning while they work to gain nationally recognised qualifications.
In 2012, Dumfries and Galloway Council committed £1 million to providing a minimum of 250 Modern Apprenticeships over a five year period. The investment was made in the context of rising youth unemployment. Long periods of unemployment have long term adverse effects on people; and unemployment impacts disproportionately on young people as they are relatively inexperienced and less skilled.

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The Council is now in its third year of that commitment and has recruited nearly 250 Modern Apprentices.
To celebrate Scottish Apprenticeship Week 2015, support available for young people, information from different partners and to highlight the success of Dumfries and Galloway Council’s enhanced Modern Apprenticeship programme, drop in sessions at the Bakers Oven, High Street, Dumfries between 11:00 and 15:00 from Monday 18 to Thursday 21 May. There will be representatives from our Council’s MA Plus team as well as Dumfries and Galloway College available to talk to young people and/or parents/carers about what is involved in a Modern Apprenticeship and what opportunities are available. Some of our own Modern Apprentices will be at each drop in session to share their experiences.
Council Leader Ronnie Nicholson said; “Building the local economy is the number one priority for our Council. Our modern apprenticeship programme was developed to address the issue of youth unemployment, complementing other employment initiatives. The scheme has developed our Council’s role as an employer and, as it is linked to local labour market needs, it will develop a pool of young people with skills and experience from which local employers can recruit. The majority of Modern Apprentices recruited are still on the programme. I hope they will all go on to successful careers within Dumfries and Galloway.”

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