
Scottish Fire and Rescue Service at the heart of communities

The Scottish Fire and Rescue Service (SFRS) is a finalist in British Heart Foundation (BHF) Scotland’s Heart Hero Awards 2016 for its innovative work in helping to train the country in CPR.

The charity’s Heart Hero Awards recognise and celebrate the exceptional contribution of individuals and groups who are fighting for every heartbeat in Scotland, such as heart patients who are campaigning for better services, fundraisers, partners, scientists and health professionals.

There are five award categories: Inspiration Award; Young Hero Award; Innovation Award; Influencing Award and Fighting Spirit Award.

The winners are announced at BHF Scotland’s Annual Supporter Conference in Glasgow on 21 June, a free event where the charity’s supporters can find out about local heart research, hear an update from Chief Executive Simon Gillespie and meet other volunteers, fundraisers, patients and health professionals.

SFRS has been shortlisted in the Innovation category. The service is working in partnership with BHF Scotland to help the nation’s heart charity achieve its ambition to create a nation of lifesavers.

BHF Scotland has placed its Call Push Rescue CPR training kit in each of Scotland’s 356 fire stations.  Each station is acting as a base for local people to learn vital cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) skills and potentially save someone’s life if they go into cardiac arrest outside of hospital.

In six short months, 1,700 people across Scotland have learned how to perform CPR using BHF Scotland’s Call Push Rescue kit.

Deputy Assistant Chief Officer Andy Coueslant

Deputy Assistant Chief Officer Andy Coueslant of the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service, said: “The Service is honoured to be nominated for this award.

“We are very proud of this partnership with BHF which will ultimately save lives.

“Our teams have fully embraced this opportunity to make a difference and we plan to deliver the CPR training to as many people around the country as possible.”

James Cant, Director at BHF Scotland, added: “Our annual Heart Hero Awards recognise and celebrate the exceptional contribution that our supporters make to our fight against heart disease.

“And we’re delighted to recognise SFRS for its innovative work with us to help ensure Scots learn life saving CPR skills.

“We look forward to our Heart Hero Awards ceremony when we will congratulate and thank all of our supporters who are helping to fight for every heartbeat in Scotland.”

BHF Scotland’s Heart Hero Awards are the exciting finale to its Annual Supporter Conference at the University of Glasgow on Tuesday 21 June from 11am to 4pm.

To see who has been nominated for a Heart Hero award, and to book your free place at the conference, visit bhf.org.uk/heartheroes

Coronary heart disease is Scotland’s single biggest killer.

For over 50 years the BHF has pioneered research that’s transformed the lives of people living with heart and circulatory conditions.

Their work has been central to the discoveries of vital treatments that are changing the fight against heart disease.

But so many people still need help. From babies born with life-threatening heart problems to the many mums, dads and grandparents who survive a heart attack and endure the daily battles of heart failure.

Join their fight for every heartbeat in Scotland.

Every pound raised, minute of your time and donation to BHF shops will help make a difference to people’s lives.

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