Scottish Fire and Rescue Service is leading a UK wide group set up to develop, standardise and enhance wildfire training across the country.

The UK Wildfire Training Group meets for the first time on 13 October this year to discuss range of issues, including delivery of training, timescales, methods, tactics and investigation.

The group, which is being chaired by SFRS Wildfire Project Manager Garry Burnett, is to deliver a UK training pathway that develops fire and rescue personnel to effectively manage and safely extinguish significant wildfires.

The group will agree and build on the following wildfire objectives:
 Trainee development
 Firefighter development and maintenance of skills
 Look at developing courses, review delivery methods and how best to deliver them
 Development to support the Tactical Advisor position
 Fully utilise the Scottish Government’s wildfire guidance as the “keystone”
 Create Wildfire Development Units which will enhance Incident Command training
 Assess how national wildfire occupational standards apply
 Enhance wildfire investigation training

Chair, Group Manager Garry Burnett, said: “We have a real opportunity here to standardise wildfire training and how it’s delivered across the UK.

“By pooling our collective resources we can create a comprehensive training package which will not only enhance our ability to manage significant wildfires, but will also lead to increased firefighter safety.

“I am pleased to be chairing this group and representing the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service. I believe the work of this group will be of real benefit to fire and rescue services across the country but also enhance our ability to protect our communities, countryside and environment from the devastating effects of wildfire.”

The group will also provide regular briefings to the Chief Fire Officers’ Association and the Scottish Wildfire Forum (SWFF), which is chaired by SFRS Assistant Chief Officer Robert Scott.

SWFF Chair, ACO Robert Scott said: “I am delighted to see Scottish Fire and Rescue Service leading the way in the wildfire arena. This is another example of how the work of the Scottish Wildfire Forum has progressed in the space of a year.”

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