Scottish Government Changes To Regulations On Smoke, Heat & Carbon Monoxide Alarms

The Scottish Government is introducing revised regulations on smoke, heat and carbon monoxide alarms.

Legislation that was scheduled to come into effect in February 2021 meant the standard, which currently applies to private rented property and new-builds, would have been extended to all homes in Scotland.

Due to the practical difficulties likely to be faced by homeowners amid the impact of coronavirus (COVID-19), the Scottish Government is presently seeking to move implementation back to February 2022.

Homes will be required to have:

  • Smoke alarms in every circulation space on each storey
  • Smokes alarms in the room most frequently used for general daytime living purposes
  • Heat alarm in the kitchen
  • All heat and smoke alarms that are interlinked (either hardwired or via long-life battery operated Bluetooth units)
  • A carbon monoxide detector where there is a fuel burning appliance or a flue (this does not require to be interlinked)

Further details of the legislation requirements and frequently asked questions can be found here:

The Scottish Fire and Rescue Service (SFRS) will not routinely be fitting these new alarms in homes.

The Scottish Government has however provided financial support to our Home Fire Safety Visit programme to enable us to fit to the new standard only in the homes of those identified as being at higher risk.

Due to the COVID-19 restrictions, SFRS is currently carrying out a reduced Home Fire Safety Visit service.

To find out how to book a Home Fire Safety Visit and take part in our online assessment to receive bespoke advice on improving safety, please visit:

Alasdair Perry is the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service’s Head of Prevention and Protection. He said: “We welcome any measures that support fire prevention and fire safety within the home.
“The Scottish Government introduced legislation in January 2019 stipulating that landlords and home owners will be responsible for fitting alarms to a new standard within their properties. 
“The Scottish Government has provided financial support to our Home Fire Safety Visit programme which will allow us to fit to the new standard in the homes of those identified through our robust criteria as being at higher risk.
“However, if we go to any property that has no detection, we will still provide a battery operated stand-alone smoke detector and advise the occupant about the new standard for the fire and smoke alarms required by the legislation in all Scottish homes.”


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