Seasonal Message From Leaders Of Dumfries & Galloway Council

After what has been another truly traumatic year, we’re again entering a period when we would expect to be partying with our family and friends. However, a most unwelcome guest, Covid-19, is still chapping on our door wanting to be let in.

We must all be extremely careful not to increase the Covid-19 transmission rate, risk the health and lives of our loved ones, and pile pressure on our NHS, which is experiencing unprecedented levels of pressure.

Given the recent resurgence of the virus, it’s absolutely vital that we don’t throw away all the progress we’ve made and risk the well-being of our nearest and dearest.    

While we would love to have our usual festive season, this highly contagious and deadly virus and its emerging variants, means that we must all be responsible, show restraint, and deny ourselves some of our usual seasonal pleasures.

We want you to know how much we value and appreciate your efforts and sacrifices to suppress the spread of Covid-19, and the way that you have risen to deal with the challenges of 2021.

We can only hope that 2022 brings us a change in fortunes and that socially and economically we can begin to recover from this devastating pandemic.

Until then, we send you our very best wishes for a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.