Seat Belts Must Now be Provided on Dedicated School Transport in Scotland

Seat Belts on School Transport (Scotland) Act 2017 in force on 1 August 2018
Seat belts must now be provided on dedicated school transport in Scotland following introduction of the Seat Belts on School Transport (Scotland) Act 2017.

The Act comes into effect on 1 August which should mean every child has access to a seat belt when travelling to and from school for the start of the 2018/2019 school year.
National guidance and awareness-raising materials have been published online and sent to school authorities and other interested parties with information on seat belt fitting, wearing and monitoring.

It’s now hoped schools and local authorities will use the guidance as an opportunity to look at what approaches have worked for encouraging pupils to wear seat belts. A recent YoungScot survey highlighted peer pressure was one of the reasons they weren’t worn on school transport.

Transport Minister Humza Yousaf said:
The Scottish Government is committed to achieving safer road travel which is why we’re urging pupils to wear a seat belt where one is provided on school transport.
“When the Seat Belts Act for dedicated school transport in Scotland comes into force, it will make sure every child and young person who requires a seat belt will have one as they travel to and from school.
“While the Act won’t affect the law on the wearing of seat belts, which is a reserved matter, the Scottish Government has always been clear the Act represents an opportunity to promote successful approaches into seat belt wearing and wider awareness of this issue.”

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