Shape the Future of Dumfries & Galloway: Have Your Say on the 2023-2028 Council Plan

Dumfries & Galloway Council has announced the launch of a public consultation for their Draft Council Plan 2023-2028.

The plan sets out the vision and approach the council will take to ensure their services and activities deliver their ambitions from 2023 to 2028.

The council is seeking input from the public, stakeholders, and staff to help form the draft plan. The consultation opened on December 20, 2022 and will close on January 31, 2023.

During this time, residents of Dumfries & Galloway have the opportunity to have their voices heard and shape the final plan. The consultation is available through various platforms, including online questionnaires and in various council buildings. By participating in this consultation, residents can help ensure that the Council Plan is inclusive of all stakeholders’ views.

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