Region’s First ‘Sign & Dine’ Comes to Dumfries High Street

A fortnightly drop-in for the signing community to gather will be launched this week at The Stove Network, 100 High Street, at 1pm. The region’s first ‘Sign & Dine’ has been organised in association with the signing community and is a fortnightly drop-in at The Stove which is open to all to meet with one another, grab a coffee or just find out more about signing!


The initiative aims to engage both the hearing and deaf communities in signing and is the first regular event in what is hoped to be many more catering for the signing and deaf communities in the region.


Organiser and activist Eileen Cassells, who is an active and prominent member within the signing community commented: “Sign and Dine is a welcoming place to come, whatever your level of sign language skills. It’s a universal language that can be used around the world. I am hoping to bridge the gap between the “hearing” and the “deaf” worlds, making it just “our” world. The event will allow the deaf to be heard and bring the whole community together, so you can “talk” to your deaf neighbour, friend, family member, or even that stranger you see every day.”


Martin Joseph O’Neill from the Stove Network commented: “We’re delighted to be supporting such a great project and hope this grows similar initiatives across the region to engage the signing communities, both deaf and hearing. We want to be open to everyone in our community and encourage those learning or curious to pop in!”


The first Sign & Dine is on the 16th of November at the Stove Café from 1pm followed by a launch reception at 7pm on the 16th featuring talks, refreshments and a chance to learn more about the project.



For more information visit the Stove website on .

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