Simplified Planning Zone to be piloted in Dumfries.

Members of Dumfries and Galloway Council’s Economy and Resources Committee will meet on 30th January and asked to agree to pilot a Simplified Planning Zone at Hardthorn Road, Dumfries.

The trial scheme will remove the requirement for Planning Permission, although developers will still need to apply for a building warrant and road construction consent. This will apply to first-time (new build) residential properties rather than industrial buildings. Dumfries and Galloway already own the land where around the proposed scheme.

Subject to the outcome of the Committee’s consideration of the draft SPZ scheme, it
is proposed to publish the scheme for 6 weeks’ public consultation.

Chair of Economy and Resources Committee, Rob Davidson, said: “This is an innovative new approach which will add value to our land. Further discussions will be needed, and a business case will need to be worked on, but it is possible that the Council could act as a developer on a ‘spend to save’ basis by developing the initial infrastructure needed and then selling on the individual plots to construction companies or private individuals.”
Vice Chair, Archie Dryburgh said: “As we already own the land this could provide a prime opportunity to provide affordable, services, self-build plots. We hope that members of the public and developers will take part in the consultation so that we can hear their views.”

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