The Solway Yacht Club  Cheque handed over to the OCHRE Charity
Duncan Gillespie (right), Commodore of Solway Yacht Club, accompanied by Ross Kennedy (left), committee member of Solway Yacht Club, recently handed over a cheque for £2044 to Alan Lapsley, Chairperson for OCHRE in Glasgow.
Following the tragic and sudden death of Fiona Meikle-Latta at the age of 45, while Commodore of the Solway Yacht Club from oesophageal cancer, the Yacht Club hosted a winter barbeque in her memory. Although only the Commodore for a short time her warm welcome to everyone she met influenced the club and its members. So she is sadly missed but her legacy remains even today. However, she was not only an active member of the yacht club but living in the community of Kirkmahoe she was also active on their Community Council and their Rural where her competitive spirit was also evident. The Yacht Club were therefore pleased to invite Yacht Club members, family, friends and members of Community Council and Rural who donated and attended the BBQ in Kippford which included a raffle of donations from club members and local business such as Galloway Activity Centre and Prana Hair and Beauty.
Food was cooked on the club balcony, eaten in doors and the bar was open. Proceeds from ticket sales and bar takings were donated.
OCHRE is one of very few Scottish based oesophageal cancer charities and it was appropriate in Fiona’s memory to raise funds and help them to promote awareness of this cancer. They also provide support and funding for research in development of new and appropriate methods of prevention and early detection. They will provide support for patients, family and friends to help cope with the difficulties arising from this cancer and its treatment.
Alan Lapsley, himself a sufferer seven years before, indicated that hot spots for this cancer include the west of Scotland and Ireland. Oesophageal cancer is the sixth most common causes of cancer death and the fourth most common in men. Ochre is actively pursuing the inclusion of a full-time nurse specialist in oesophageal cancer based at the Beatson West of Scotland Cancer Centre.
Alan also indicated they are lobbying to have the Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network (SIGN) updated which indicates that this cancer occurs mainly in people over the age of 55. However, people in their 20’s are being diagnosed.
The Solway Yacht Club is very proud to be associated with such a worthy cause.

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