1 a 1 a stolen cat 1 Fudge the Cat  is a little bit of a local celebrity as she frequently was seen in Tesco car park in dumfries and well known to staff and customers.

on Sunday the 21st of september Fudges owner Lynn Hyslop  got a message on fb to tell her that someone had lifted Fudge  while she was at Tesco’s and took her away . A very Concerned Lynn says  she does  have witnesses for that.

Lynn said “I was given the name and address of the man that allegedly  took her, so on Monday I went to the police station and reported it.”


There have been a number of cats going missing in the area recently .so we are very concerned .


if you have any info please call the police on 101


Lynn has also  set up a fb group so if anyone has information they can get her on there its, ‘fudge the tesco cat’ https://www.facebook.com/groups/153366441505016/?fref=ts

Thank you

Lynn Hyslop