SQA Outlines Support To Young People In Dumfries Galloway Ahead Of Results Day

On Tuesday 9 August, thousands of young people across Scotland will receive the results for their Nationals, Highers, Advanced Highers, National Progression Awards, Skills for Work Awards, National Certificates and Awards.


These results will allow young people to take the next step on their learning journey; either continuing at school, moving on to college or university, or entering employment or a workplace-based training programme.


All learners will have their results certificate delivered to their home address by first class post on Tuesday 9 August. Those who have signed-up for and activated their MySQA account will also receive their results by text and/or email the same morning.


If learners do not receive their certificate with their post, they can contact their school, college or training provider, who can provide results and work with SQA to find out what has happened to the certificate.


On Results Day, SQA will open its helpline at 8am to answer learners’ questions about their certificates. Young people can also call Skills Development Scotland to speak to dedicated careers advisors about the options that are available to them.


This year, Scotland has returned to formal national exams, supported by a package of measures (course modifications and revision support, as well as wider support from across the education system). These measures were designed to address the ongoing disruption to learning and teaching that young people experienced, while maintaining standards.


In addition, SQA has adopted a more generous approach to grading to help ensure fairness for learners. This is in recognition of the fact that those preparing for and sitting exams have done so in very different circumstances from those who sat exams in 2019, having experienced disruption to their learning over two academic years.


Learners can be confident that the qualifications they receive are credible and fair, and that they reflect the knowledge, understanding and skills they have acquired through their hard work in very challenging circumstances. Colleges, universities and employers, can also be confident that standards and integrity have been maintained in 2022.


Young people can also appeal their grade for National 5, Higher and Advanced Higher courses directly through SQA for free. Learners can appeal if their final result is lower than the grade their school, college or training provider expected. While the final decision is the candidate’s, SQA would encourage anyone considering submitting an appeal to discuss their decision with their teacher, lecturer or other member of staff first.


Priority appeals are available for learners who have a conditional offer for a college or university place or for a training or employment offer and must be submitted to SQA by Friday 19 August. All other appeals must be submitted by Friday 2 September. Full details on eligibility and how to register an appeal can be found at www.sqa.org.uk/appeals and a copy of SQA’s Appeals 2022 – what you need to know booklet has been delivered to the homes of all learners taking National 5, Higher and Advanced Higher courses.


Donna Vivers, SQA Liaison Manager, said: “I want to thank candidates throughout Dumfries and Galloway for their hard work and dedication in preparing for and sitting their exams and assessments. Learners can have confidence in their grades and be proud of what they have accomplished.
“I also want to thank all the teaching and support staff who have gone to exceptional lengths to support learners and help them achieve their results. It is thanks to them that candidates are able to reach their full potential.
“I encourage anyone who has any queries or needs advice come Results Day, to call the helplines where dedicated members of staff will be happy to help and guide you.”

SQA’s Candidate Advice Line will be available on Results Day from 8am to 6pm, then Wednesday 10 August to Tuesday 16 August (excluding weekends) from 8:30am to 5pm. The line can be reached on 0345 279 1000.


Skills Development Scotland can be contacted on 0808 100 8000 and will be open from 8am to 8pm on Tuesday 9 August and Wednesday 10 August. It will be open 9am to 5pm from Thursday 11 August to Wednesday 17 August, excluding weekends.


More information is available online at www.sqa.org.uk/results.

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