Stranraer Conservation Area Regeneration Scheme is up and Running

Stranraer Conservation Area Regeneration Scheme is up and running. To help the benefits of the scheme carry on into the future a new combined guidance has been drafted: Draft Stranraer Conservation Area Character Appraisal and Management Plan.

From the 11th June until 25th July 2018 Dumfries and Galloway Council are inviting people interested in Stranraer Conservation Area to look at the draft new guidance and make any helpful comments and suggestions regarding its content.
The best way to see the document is on the Council’s website:

The easiest way to comment is by email to: [email protected]

Councillor Archie Dryburgh, Chair of EEI Committee said: “Managing change in Stranraer to keep the unique feel and fabric of its historic buildings and spaces is key to its regeneration. The appraisal and management plan is draft at this stage, everyone has the opportunity to comment until 25th July 2018. Stranraer is becoming an attractive maritime tourist destination and everyone can help the economy of Stranraer by sensitively looking after the part of it they own.”

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