Reacting to John Swinney’s recent announcement that an SNP Government would put £6 million towards the development of Stranraer Harbour Waterfront, Scottish Conservative & Unionist Holyrood candidate, Finlay Carson, said: “It is pretty rich of the SNP to pledge £6 million for Stranraer Harbour Waterfront when it was the SNP that removed Stranraer Harbour Waterfront from their own Government’s list of Strategic Infrastructure Priorities, back in 2008.

That would have injected £8 million into the regeneration of the waterfront, never mind the £6 million that is now being pledged. Furthermore, the SNP have had 9 years in power to do something about this unacceptable situation but, other than set up a task force under Alex Neil and Nicola Sturgeon, which has delivered precisely nothing, they have ignored the issue almost completely.

This announcement should be seen as no more than the cheap electoral bribe that it surely is. Nero famously fiddled while Rome burned – John Swinney has been doing the same for the last 9 years while Stranraer’s waterfront has slowly deteriorated before our eyes”.

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