The emergence of Stranraer Music Town, the Business Improvement District Initiative and cultural projects such as the Grainstore promises to make the town’s future more eventful.
Dumfries and Galloway Council are supporting Stranraer town centre entertainment and events with grants totalling £13,000.

Stranraer Pier
Stranraer Pier

The grants are being awarded as the Council aims to assist the growth of a number of town centre projects that have the potential to develop and become significant landmarks in the Wigtowshire festivals and events calendar.
The £13,000 is made up of funding to the Lowland Gathering (£3000), Parkfest (£2,000), the Grain Store (£1000), the Stranraer Oyster Festival (£2000) and for Christmas and Hogmanay Events in Stranraer.
Councillor Marion McCutcheon, Chair of Wigtownshire Area Committee said;
“Our Council has identified Stranraer town centre business and events as a real aid to the economy and as a way of bringing the community together. Our funding of the festivals and entertainment projects will help Stranraer attract more visitors, develop the profile of the town and generate more confidence in local organisations that the Council is fully behind their work. I’m looking forward to getting out and about to the funded events.”
Mandy Green, the main organiser of Park Fest said;
“Without the help of the funding received, events like Park Fest wouldn’t be viable for us to enable low ticket prices making it affordable for all, and to provide such an event for Stranraer. We need events like this and others such as the Hogmanay Hoolie and the Lowland Gathering to keep the west of our region alive, interesting, and to encourage visitors!”
Ronnie Brown, Chairman of the Lowland Gathering said;
“Events do not just happen, it takes a team of volunteers to ensure that all the necessary paperwork and licences are in place and that everything runs like clockwork on the day. Another vital part of organising an event is funding, without which the event would be unable to continue. We are extremely grateful for the funding of £3000 from Dumfries and Galloway Council which will enable us to ensure that the event is marketed fully in order to attract as many visitors to the area as possible in an effort to boost the local economy. We also hope to see loads of local people at our event to give support and ensure the continuity of Stranraer Lowland Gathering.”

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