Stranraer Museum Building Conservation Work Could Start This Year

The Stranraer Conservation Area Regeneration Scheme (CARS) property grant scheme aims to assist in the repair and reinstatement of historic features on traditional building facades to protect the character of Stranraer town centre.

Stranraer Museum is a Council asset and Category A Listed Building, fulfilling an important education, tourism and cultural role in the historic heart of the town, benefitting the community in its widest sense. Members of Dumfries and Galloway Economy and Resources Committee (26 Jan) will hear that extensive survey work of the building has identified the need for an increased budget of up to £300,000.

The original budget allocated for Stranraer Museum as part of the CARS project was based on the best information available at the start of the project. However, detailed investigation of the work the building requires has now been carried out, including structural surveys and a high-level on-site inspection of the building’s roof.

Structural repairs to the building is the main additional element of work needed for the CARS grant eligible works to be supplemented with the other non-grant eligible works the building requires. Final costs will only be known once the museum work package has gone out to tender. Some additional cost implications can also be expected to arise from Covid health and safety requirements. Therefore, Members of Committee will be asked to agree to an allocation of up to £300,000 from the Non Schools Capital Programme to ensure sufficient funds are available if required.

The proposed final budget would include: a Historic Environment Scotland grant of £124,266; Dumfries and Galloway Council CARS Economic Development Capital Programme funding of £279,182; and the Dumfries and Galloway Council Non Schools Budget funding of up to £300,000, bringing the total projected funding to £703,448.

Chair of Economy and Resources Committee, Rob Davidson said: ”The Listed status of this property in the heart of the town and the conditions of Historic Environment Scotland grant require high specifications that respect the historic fabric of the building and work carried out to the highest standard. The comprehensive repair package which has been developed makes best use of the external grant funds available as part of the overall Stranraer CARS Project.
This, in addition to other planned improvements in the area, including redeveloping the Marina, will help boost the town as a whole. There will be some disruption around the town at this time, but this is an extremely worthwhile project with wide-spread benefits to the local community through education and increased visitor footfall.”

Vice Chair, Archie Dryburgh said: “The CARS scheme is of course wider reaching in the town than just the museum. Economy and Resources Committee agreed last year to increase the property grant rate to allow offers of up to 90% funding for eligible works and to allow greater flexibility on the value of grant per property. This scheme has been extremely successful, and is, at present, now fully subscribed. I am very pleased that the local community has utilised the funding which will bring great benefits for the area as a whole.”

To read the full report go to:

Covid restrictions have impacted on the timescale for delivery of the Museum project, however, it is expected that, following tender of the work package, construction work on site would be carried out during 2021.

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