Stranraer Museum Exhibits a Piece of Maritime History.

1 a 1 a boat 9This beautiful chair, salvaged from the Paddle Steamer ‘Princess Victoria’ in 1910 is now on display in Stranraer Museum. The chair is clearly well used but the original ‘Princess Victoria’ emblem can still be seen painted on the back. It’s a lovely piece and Stranraer Museum is very grateful to the member of the public who brought it to our attention.
Paddle Steamer Princess Victoria
The Princess Victoria was built by William Denny and Sons, Dumbarton and launched on 23 January 1890. The steel paddle steamer was owned by the Portpatrick and Wigtownshire Railways Joint Committee and was registered at Stranraer. It was a passenger and mail vessel that travelled between Stranraer and Ireland for twenty years. !n 1910 it was towed to London to be broken up at Blackwall by Shipbreaking Co. Ltd.

1 a 1 a boat 8

Stranraer Museum is open Monday to Friday 10-5, Saturday 10-1 & 1.30-4.30. Festive hours: closed from 1pm on 24 Dec and closed 25 -28 Dec and 1-4 Jan.


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