

The businesses in Stranraer have chosen not to back the BID proposals set out in the Stranraer BID Business Plan.

The Ballot held on Friday 28th August saw 161 qualifying ballot papers returned. For a ‘yes’ outcome to the ballot, it required over 50% of the voters to vote in favour and over 50% of the yes votes rateable values to be in favour of the BID also. Although the results showed rateable values as positive, over £1.1 million voted in favour and £500,000 votes against.

The overall result showed 83 businesses voting against the BID Proposals, and 78 for.

Chair of the Economy, Environment and Infrastructure committee, Cllr Colin Smyth, said “As far as the Council is concerned, the outcome of the vote does not change our commitment to regenerating and investing in Stranraer. Building the local economy is the number one priority of this council. The regeneration of our towns is an important part of this. The council is committed to working with the people and businesses of Stranraer to help make the town attractive, enterprising and the thriving centre that we know it can be.”