Agnew Park could benefit from over £800k

At Tuesday’s Economy, Environment and Infrastructure Committee, Councillors will be asked to note a £400k contribution from the Coastal Communities Fund to help transform Agnew Park in Stranraer. The Council has already matched this funding, so if approved over £800k would be spent on the Park to provide a new café, play spaces, improved lighting and other environmental improvements.

Councillors will also decide if £54k can be reallocated to provide new youth activity equipment in the park an idea put forward by Wigtown Area Committee. Around 60 people attended a public consultation back in March of this year to have their say on the type of activity equipment which could be installed and the intention would be to go with public opinion.

Councillor Colin Smyth, Chairman of the Economy, Environment and Infrastructure Committee said;

“The revitalised Agnew Park will be a great addition to the town’s waterfront. The project is set to enhance the park as a useable events space and will encourage people to visit the waterfront which has benefitted from significant Council investment over the last few years.”

Please follow the following link to view the EEI Committee papers for the meeting on 12 May

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