Sunday Opening Pharmacy Pilot Being Brought to an End

A COMMUNITY pharmacy Sunday opening pilot scheme which has run for more than a year is being brought to a close.

The initiative in Wigtownshire has been operated on a rota basis by two pharmacies in Newton Stewart and two in Stranraer, with each opening on a Sunday every four weeks.

However, a review of the pilot ahead of a renewal has shown that the demand for this service has been limited.

In addition, there are staffing challenges in resourcing this extra half-day-a-week opening.

The service had been resourced by the Partnership at an additional cost, and consideration is required as to how we best use resources under the current financial constraints.

The Wigtownshire community pharmacy Sunday opening pilot scheme will conclude on Sunday April 14.

A huge expression of thanks is owed to the four pharmacies which have participated in this pilot initiative – extending the excellent services which they continue to provide six days a week.

Learning will be taken from the pilot initiative. Data emerging from the review will be used to support development of Pharmacy services within Dumfries and Galloway – with a continued focus on building a service which best meets the needs of its population.

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