Epic Sunrise to Sunset Dash in Aid of D&G Blood Bikes


Four intrepid volunteer riders from Dumfries & Galloway Blood Bikes are taking on an epic challenge to raise funds for the charity. Sunrise – Sunset Dash – 17th June 2017

Organised by Barry Richardson and accompanied by Alan Shaw, Byron Raistrick and Scott Anderson the four bikers intend to visit the most southerly, westerly, eastern and northern points of Scotland all in the daylight hours of the Saturday closest to the longest day.

They will have approximately 17 hours of daylight to cover 714 miles.   Starting off in the early hours of 17th June 2017 they will leave Mull of Galloway Lighthouse (South), head north to Ardnamurchan Lighthouse (West).  From there they will cross the country to visit Scotland’s most easterly point at Keith Inch and finally head north again, ending the mammoth journey at Dunnet Head.


Everyone knows that Blood Bikers love cake, so we asked the four how they would cope with a whole day of riding?  Byron told us that he was sure that he had plenty of room in his panniers for cake and they had been scouting out suitable stops for refreshments along the way.


On a more serious note, the four are making this run in order to raise awareness and funding for Dumfries & Galloway Blood Bikes.  All four have carried out vital runs for the charity and know how important the service is that is offered free to the NHS.  Barry said “DGBB receives no payment for the service that they offer, carrying samples, medical items and bloods between hospitals across Dumfries & Galloway and beyond.  I enjoy riding for both DGBB and for myself and this seemed a great way for us to raise funds for the charity.”


Barry would like to publicly thank The Portpatrick Hotel, Portpatrick and the Weigh Inn, Thurso for providing accommodation free of charge at the beginning and end of the run and also Visorcat for providing visor screen washing kits.


There is a Just Giving page set up for safe and secure donations to be made by clicking HERE