Warning Issued To Public After Spate Of Thefts From Vehicles – Stranraer

CAR owners are being reminded to ensure that they lock their vehicles and either remove anything of value or place them out of sight in the car. 

This follows two thefts from cars in the Antrim Avenue and Seabank Road area in Stranraer overnight Monday 3/Tuesday 4 April. A pink River Island purse was stolen from a Ford Fiesta in Antrim Avenue and a mobile phone was stolen from a car in Seabank Road after both vehicles were left unlocked.

Constable Craig McNaught said “we are making enquiries into these thefts at present and are seeking the assistance of the public to let us know if they have seen or heard anything suspicious over this period, particularly around parked cars. Anyone who may have had a similar experience but have not reported it should do so to us on the 101 number.”

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