Outbreak control measures continue to be implemented at Dumfries and Galloway Royal Infirmary due to confirmed Norovirus infection. Ward 9 and 10 remain closed to admissions, transfers with visiting restrictions in place
As of this afternoon (2nd April), a further ward has been affected, Ward 12 is also now closed.

The total number of patients experiencing symptoms of sickness and diarrhoea (clinically known as Norovirus) over all wards is 30. There are 9 staff with reported symptoms. Wards 9, 10 and 12 are likely to remain closed over the bank holiday weekend.

Dr Martin Connor, Consultant Microbiologist and Infection Control Doctor, said:
“Our priority is always patient, public and staff safety. We appreciate that this temporary visiting restriction to Wards 9, 10 and 12 may cause some frustration, but this measure will allow us to help prevent further spread of the infection and ensure safe patient care and dignity, at this difficult time.”

“Where circumstances are such that relatives are concerned about the need to visit their loved ones in Wards 9, 10 and 12, they are asked to contact the ward before coming to the hospital.

All members of the public who plan to visit other areas of the hospital are asked not to visit if they are suffering symptoms of nausea, vomiting or diarrhoea, and to comply with the hand hygiene and infection control measures in place.”

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