The Queensberry Inititiave based in Thornhill is an  outdoor learning charity and has been shortlisted for the Scottish Rural Parliament – Rural Businesses and Employment – Rural Innovator Award.
they are down to the final 4 projects in Scotland and its now up to a public vote for them .

The team from Queensberry contacted DGWGO and  wondered if we couldlet you all know and ask if you would vote for them ? Only a week left of voting now.

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The Queensberry Initiative is a community charity project, linking Wallace Hall Academy, its cluster primaries in Mid-Nithsdale (Wallace Hall, Moniaive, Dunscore, Duncow, Penpont and Closeburn Primaries), local businesses of all sorts, including farms and other land-based industries, local colleges and universities and third sector enterprises and the Queensberry Estate, a local country estate with extensive outdoor opportunities.
This project has been running since 2008. It progressed to becoming a fully constituted group and a Scottish charity during its first and second phases. The key purposes of the Initiative continue to be to support pupils in making better connections with their local communities, increase their employability and improve their health and well-being by getting them outside, making use of the opportunities on offer for the ‘outdoor classroom’ at Queensberry Estate and at other outside locations in the area.

The main aims of the Queensberry Initiative are:
To Promote:
– Business and community partnership working
– Employability skills
– Vocational Courses
– Countryside Connections
– Entrepreneurial skills and social enterprise
– The Outdoor Classroom

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