The award scheme helps to provide an added level of confidence to the patients and staff of Thornhill Hospital by providing a recognisable ‘sign’ of excellence.

Eligible establishments are assessed for the award as part of scheduled food hygiene inspections, carried out by Officers of the Council`s Environmental Health Service.

Cllr Colin Smyth, Chair of the Council’s Economy, Environment and Infrastructure Committee said:
“I would like to offer my congratulations to the staff of Thornhill Hospital for all their hard work and for their ongoing commitment to food hygiene. In our region 48 premises have obtained this award so far, out of a total of over 2,000 Food Businesses in the Dumfries & Galloway Region. Environmental Health Officers are working with many more food business operators in an effort to drive up food standards and protect people living, working and visiting our region.

Dumfries and Galloway has a good reputation on producing high quality food and produce, so the more businesses that achieve this accolade the better our international reputation will be. I would urge other food businesses to strive to achieve this award”.

Gail Meier, Nurse Manager, Primary and Community Care Directorate of NHS Dumfries & Galloway said “We are delighted that Thornhill Hospital has received the ‘Eat safe’ award. This demonstrates the knowledge, skills and dedicated commitment that the staff have to ensuring that the patients at Thornhill Hospital receive the highest quality nutrition”.

For more information and a full list of all the food businesses that hold the Eat Safe award, visit

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