
Time Is Right To Phase Out Covid Restrictions Says Carson

Finlay Carson is backing calls for the progressive removal of Covid restrictions from the beginning of February.

The move would see the phasing out of many of the current curbs in place apart from the wearing of facemasks in public places.

The Galloway and West Dumfries MSP says the more positive Covid data from the Scottish Government suggests the time has come to move from a rules-based approach to public health advice.

He believes people in his constituency know how to keep themselves safe.

Current projections from the Scottish Government show hospitalisations and cases will decline from February onwards.

Mr Carson is now backing plans from 31 January for

  • An end to all business restrictions
  • Guidance on household mixing and social distancing to end
  • The vaccine passport scheme to be scrapped
  • Face masks to no longer be used in schools
  • Guidance on working from home to be phased out
  • Self-isolation rules to be gradually phased out, with an aim to remove them entirely in the coming months



He says until the data becomes even more positive, it is vital to continue wearing facemasks in public places including supermarkets, hospitality premises, and public transport.

The Scottish Conservative and Unionist MSP is also continuing to promote uptake of the vaccination scheme, including the booster jags and the use of Covid lateral flow tests, particularly before socialising.

The local MSP said: “The Scottish Government’s data is showing that we are past the peak of the Omicron wave.
“We can be far more optimistic about how we tackle the virus going forward in Dumfries and Galloway.
“Protecting the mental and physical health as well as jobs and the local economy is as important as stopping the spread of Covid.
He continued: “Our economy and the health of individuals cannot continue to be held back any longer than necessary.
“I believe the evidence should now tip in favour of trusting the public do the right thing and keep themselves and their families in Galloway and West Dumfries safe.
“The success of the vaccination scheme across Scotland and the UK means that people can now tackle Covid through their own behaviour, rather than through the need for Government restrictions.
The MSP added:  “I will be continuing to push SNP Ministers to examine their own data and remove the remaining restrictions on individuals and businesses across Dumfries and Galloway.”

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