
DG Council Allocate £1m For Town Centre Living Fund

Dumfries and Galloway Council has allocated £1million from Council Tax on second homes to create a new Town Centre Living Fund. The fund aims to increase the supply of affordable housing in town centres and settlements by bringing empty properties back into use.

By encouraging the refurbishment of empty properties and providing homes for our communities, the fund will support ongoing work aimed at revitalising our town centres and settlements.

Each application will be assessedon its ability to deliver a number of priorities, including contributing to regenerating town centres, increasing the supply of affordable housing, and bringing empty properties back into use. Submissions will be assessed individually to ensure flexibility in addressing the variety of complex circumstances present in town centres.

Applications may be submitted from a number of sources including individuals, community groups, residential and commercial property owners, empty home owners and Registered Social Landlords. A range of proposals will be considered for funding including community engagement, feasibility studies, design development and physical works.

These examples are not intended to cover all circumstances where funding may be awarded. Large strategic projects that require a significant level of investment will be presented to the Communities Committee to consider.

Dumfries and Galloway Council Leader, Elaine Murray, said of the Fund;

“Our Council is ambitious about the local economy and we aspire to regenerate our town centres and settlements. By bringing empty properties back into use and encouraging people to live in these locations, we can improve their sustainability and vibrancy.

This fund aims to enable projects that will provide affordable housing while also contributing to town centre regeneration and supporting the empowerment of local communities, giving people a stronger voice on the issues that matter to them.”

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