On Thursday, 20 February 2014, the Founding Trustees of the Loreburn Hall Trust (LHT) carried out an historic site visit of the Loreburn Hall.

They used the opportunity to inspect the repairs that Dumfries and Galloway Council (DGC) have already undertaken to the Hall. With DGC officers on hand to answer questions, they also asked about the works planned for the next few months to refurbish the Loreburn Hall ahead of returning it to community use.

‘We were impressed by the current condition of the Loreburn Hall, which has now mostly been cleared of rubbish,’ said the Chairman of the LHT, Dr Belle Doyle. ‘The roof has been repaired, the building is wind and watertight, and the floor is in pretty good shape too. It is clear that those Council workers tasked with carrying out this work are doing an excellent job. Local people expect and deserve no less, of course, but we were all very encouraged by the care, commitment and professionalism of the DGC officers who showed us around the Loreburn Hall last Thursday.’

On Monday, 24 February 2014, the LHT received an acknowledgement from the Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator that their application for charitable status had been received and is being formally considered.

LHT members are now drafting an indicative business plan outlining how they will take forward the development and management of the Loreburn Hall. This will be presented to Dumfries and Galloway Council next month and will form the basis of a wider consultation with local people later this year, after which a full business plan will be prepared in support of a major funding bid to the National Lottery.


The LHT is made up of eleven Founding Trustees whoa are all residents of Dumfries. In addition to Dr Doyle, they include Mrs Anne Harrow (Vice Chairman), Dr Alex Smith (Secretary), Mr David Slater, Mr Graham Main, Father Andrew Crosbie, Mr Drew Crossan, Mr Luke Moloney, Mrs Heather Owens, Mr Lee McQueen and Mr Johnny Owens.

A film about the Loreburn hall Dumfries Scotland. For many years this hall was at the heart of Dumfries and hosted many acts within the music industry. From flower shows, dog shows wrestling, roller skating, carpet bowling, dancing and much, much more.. Alas it now lies silent and empty. The hall was closed when the local council opened its flagship leisure centre DG1, causing this iconic hall to be closed. Now a small band of people want to see it brought back to its former glory and have it reopened again so it can serve the people once again. If you have any photos or video of the hall or its events please contact us about it. [email protected] thank you for watching.

You Can follow everything thats happening at the Hall on their facebook page on this link

NOTE: Pictured in the cover photograph of the Founding Trustees on the site visit, from Left to Right, are Mr David Slater, Mr Lee McQueen, Dr Belle Doyle, Father Andrew Crosbie, Mrs Anne Harrow, Mr Drew Crossan, Mr Luke Moloney, Dr Alex Smith