Grow your own

1 a 1 a Get Growing-Foraging 1Dumfries and Galloway Council in partnership with NHS Building Healthy Communities are providing 2 free advice and information workshops. The first, Get Growing is aimed at anyone thinking about making a start on growing their own fruit and vegetables whilst the second provides helpful tips on foraging – how to find, identify, harvest and eat the remarkable array of wild foods you can enjoy for free. Councillor Tom McAughtrie, Chair of Community and Customer Services Committee said “More and more people are taking an interest in where our food comes from and how it gets to our table. Home produced food has a unique taste and this is a excellent opportunity to learn how to make a start on growing your own as well as learning about the free food that’s all around us.” Join us in saving money and enjoying fresh healthy food with a great taste.
Get growing – an introduction to successfully growing your own fruit and vegetables. Whether your garden is 6 feet or 6 acres you can productively grow your own fruit and vegetables.
Venue: North West Resource Centre, Lincluden, Dumfries
Date: Thursday 10th September 2015
Time: 2:30pm – 4:30pm
Foraging – Learn the basics of how to safely enjoy the free wild produce that is native to our countryside.
Venue: North West Resource Centre, Lincluden, Dumfries
Date: Thursday 24th September 2015
Time: 2:30pm – 4:30pm
For more information or to reserve your place please contact:
Chris Macefield
Community Health Development Worker
Mobile : 07825112037
Email :[email protected]


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