Sheryl Celebrates 15 Years Volunteering With Oxfam – Dumfries

Oxfam Dumfries‘ longest-serving volunteer Sheryl celebrated 15 years service recently.

Shop Manager Rory Fairweather told DGWGO “It was an absolute pleasure to be there to give Sheryl a bunch flowers and a well deserved gold badge & certificate. Sheryl is one of the sweetest wee souls I’ve ever known and we’re so lucky to have her. Here’s to the next 15 years!”

He Continued “Oxfam relies completely on our amazing Volunteer Team who support us with our work towards overcoming poverty and suffering for those in the most need both in the UK and abroad.  I can only thank volunteers like the fantastic Sheryl who has given Oxfam the gift of 15 years of her time to run our shop in Dumfries along with the others volunteer who make the shop an integral part of the community.” Brenda Walton, Area Manager, Oxfam Scotland
Sheryl was quite overwhelmed and touched to be having such a fuss made out of her. She said “I’ve worked in other places but really enjoy working here. I have a laugh with the others and it’s nice to keep busy”

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