Ward 12 remains closed to routine admissions, transfers and restricted visiting is in place, following an outbreak of Influenza. Patients with influenza infection on other wards, are being treated on Ward 12, to allow the best use of resources and nursing skills at this time. There is a total of 15 patients confirmed with the virus on the ward, 1 new from yesterday and 4 admitted from other locations. There have been no confirmed cases amongst staff.

Dr Martin Connor, Consultant Microbiologist

“I would like to stress that these incidents are normal for this time of year, and various types of influenza are circulating in the community at levels encountered most winters.

“This Influenza variety is no more infectious, and causes no more serious complications as other varieties of ‘flu.

“Everyone who has already had the seasonal flu jab this winter has been vaccinated against Influenza A.

“As has been our consistent advice, anyone who is in the at-risk groups for flu (older people, and people with various chronic conditions like heart disease, lung diseases and diabetes, and also pregnant women) should be aware that it is still not too late to get the ‘flu vaccination from their GP surgery.

“Anyone worried about flu-like symptoms, can contact their GP or NHS 24 on 111.”

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