Ward Volunteers Needed for the New DGRI

NHS Dumfries and Galloway are looking for members of the public to become ward volunteers for patients and visitors following the move to the new hospital in December 2017.

Are you looking for a change?

Retired or have time to spare?

Or would like to enhance your employability or career prospects?


Then come along to our Volunteer Recruitment Day!

No need to book a place; drop in anytime from 11am-4pm 22 September at the Crichton Hall, Bankend Road, Dumfries, DG1 4TG. 

You can complete the Application Form on our website and bring it with you or apply on the day.


For more information contact Volunteer Co-ordinator Margaret McGroggan on 01387 246246 or email [email protected]

Get involved and make a real difference.

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