Scotland TranServ, on behalf of Transport Scotland is appealing to drivers across Dumfries and Galloway to keep alert for the presence of young deer running onto our trunk roads.
At this time of year, accidents involving deer are more frequent, with the adolescent youngsters leaving their mothers in search of their own territories.
Jamie Hammond, Scottish Natural Heritage’s South Scotland deer management officer, said:
“Many people think most accidents with deer occur on remote Highland roads; in fact 70% occur on trunk roads or motorways. Accidents are particularly high in the spring and autumn because dusk and the peak commuting times coincide. Deer are more likely to be feeding near, or on, road verges at this time.
“We would advise motorists to slow down and watch for deer crossing in front of traffic. Be particularly alert if you are driving around curves or near heavily-forested areas where deer can suddenly appear before you have time to brake.”
In Dumfries and Galloway this is most prevalent on the A701, A76 and A75.
Carol Walker, Scotland TranServ’s Environment Manager said:
“This is an important time of year for young deer, when they finally leave their mothers and start to look for their own territory. They often find themselves wandering onto our trunk roads because they don’t have much of the necessary wisdom or experience to avoid them at that stage. The time of greatest risk is in the late evening, from sun down to the early hours of the morning when the deer are more active.”
Latest statistics reveal that there are 7000 collisions between motorists and deer every year in Scotland, with more than 60 of these resulting in injury to humans. Through injury and damage to vehicles this is costing the Scottish economy around £7million annually.
Malcolm Shanks, Scotland TranServ’s Operations Manager added:
“This isn’t just something that is reserved for the Highlands, more and more across south west Scotland we are hearing of accidents involving young deer. If you are driving near woodland, or past a large estate then please be vigilant. Even roadside barriers aren’t a hindrance for these animals, they can easily clear such hurdles. Hitting one of these young deer could not only injure it, but potentially injure you and cause significant damage to your vehicle.”


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