Next Saturday 10th March, anyone aged 12 plus and a resident in DG8 & DG9 can visit the County Buildings In Wigtown to vote for their favourite projects looking for support from Participatory Budgeting Fund. One of those projects is Whithorn Community and District Bus.
Hazel Smith Chair of Whithorn Primary School Parent Council told DGWGO “There are 15 Wigtownshire projects looking for support; fortunately you get five votes as there are so many other great local projects also looking for your vote to obtain funding from the Participatory Budgeting Fund by DGC tackling poverty in our communities.
We ask that people give us their five points as this project will provide easily accessible and affordable transport to anyone in our community wishing to use it. The projects with the most votes on the day will be allocated the funding until all funds are spent. We must thank Caroline of Peninsula Design for making this fantastic flyer and the information poster for the actual event.
Hoping to see as many people as possible in Wigtown County Buildings next Saturday, 11 till 3pm!”