It’s just a few days until Book Week Scotland when there are many free literary riches for the folk of Dumfries and Galloway celebrating our authors right across the region. Book Week Scotland is about celebrating books and reading in every part of life in Scotland. Between 24 and 30 November 2014, people of all ages and of all walks of life across Scotland will be able to come together in libraries, schools, community venues and workplaces to share and enjoy books and reading. They will be joined in this celebration by Scotland’s authors, poets, playwrights, storytellers and illustrators to bring a packed programme of free projects and events to life.
Wigtown Festival Company and the Association of Wigtown Booksellers are staging a collection of free events in and around Wigtown to celebrate books, readers and reading. Highlights include a Book at Bedtime, nightly bedtime stories with the theme of magic in The Open Book. The small audience will be treated to hot chocolate and the delights of being read to in the surroundings of an actual bookshop.
Beltie Books and Café play host to a Cameronian Christmas, a seasonal treat based on the stories of SR Crockett about the festive period. Hosted by Crockett expert, Cally Phillips, there will be black bun, Pitcaithly bannock and hot drinks, as well as readings from Crockett’s writing.
For younger readers, Emily Dodd, who writes for CBeebies favourite, Nina and the Neurons will be at Wigtown Primary School with her first picture book Can’t Dance Cameron about a rhythmically challenged capercaillie. They’ll also have the opportunity to visit Wigtown library and read with local authors in a Human Book event.
Don’t miss the Winter Kist, which returns to the County Buildings in Wigtown with over 20 exhibitors from Dumfries and Galloway and beyond with food, drink, arts, crafts and much, much more. It is open 10am-5pm on the 29th and 10am-4pm on the 30th.

Full details can be found on www.wigtownbookfestival.com/programme

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