NHS Dumfries and Galloway has teamed up with Macmillan Cancer Support and DG Health and Wellbeing to host an event designed to highlight and celebrate support services for people affected by cancer in the Wigtownshire area.

The first ever Wigtownshire Cancer Gathering – Making a Difference event takes place at the Stranraer Campus of Dumfries and Galloway College on Saturday 19 March. As well as showcasing the support that’s already on offer this event will provide local people with the opportunity to have their say on what services they would like developed in the future.

Macmillan Cancer Support’s Involvement Co-ordinator for Scotland, Alan Gow said: “When someone is diagnosed with cancer it doesn’t just affect them. Their family and friends can also experience all kinds of emotions and they may need additional support. Not everyone is aware of what help is available so we wanted to show the people of Wigtownshire what is on offer.

“The event will also give us the chance to speak to local people affected by cancer to find out what other services they want from Macmillan, the NHS, DG Health and Wellbeing and other third sector organisations.”

Una Wilson and Kate McIntyre manage the drop in cancer support centres at the Galloway Community Hospital in Stranraer and in Newton Stewart.

Una said: “As well as Macmillan Cancer Support, the NHS and DG Health and Wellbeing we’ll have exhibits from a wide range of services at the event on the day. Services like Marie Curie, the Scottish Ambulance Service, Foodtrain, Handyman, Transforming Care After Treatment, Caretrain and the Carers’ Centre are all involved in providing services and support to people affected by cancer.”

Kate added: “Another important aspect of this event is that it is part of an ongoing consultation with local people which aims to find out what other services are needed and how we can try to deliver them locally. The Scottish Community Development Centre is facilitating this part of the event to make sure we capture as much information as possible.”

So save the date – Saturday 19 March, Dumfries and Galloway College, Lewis Street Stranraer from 9.45am to 2.45pm. Lunch and refreshments will be provided and if you need help with transport just let us know. Places at this event are limited so please register your interest:

• phone Alan Gow, Macmillan Involvement Coordinator on 0141 647 6342
• email [email protected]
• phone Una or Kate at the Stranraer drop in centre, 01776 707 778


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