Announcing the Wild Seasons in Dumfries and Galloway
Photography Competition

We want to see your photos of wild Dumfries and Galloway!

Please enter by posting your photo entries onto the Wild Seasons in Dumfries and Galloway Facebook pages by using the Facebook tag Wild Seasons in Dumfries and Galloway (this will appear on the post in blue) and the category which you want to enter as #…… they will appear in our recent posts by others and we can share them from there for everyone to see.

The categories are:
#wildplace Landscape – to be taken of a Dumfries and Galloway landscape. Prize a prize a ½ day workshop with Morag Paterson of Leeming and Patterson

#wildlifedg Wildlife – to be of wildlife within Dumfries and Galloway. Prize a ½ day workshop with Keith Kirk one of Dumfries and Galloway Council’s Rangers.

#wildphone Mobile phone photo – either a landscape or wildlife from within Dumfries and Galloway taken on a mobile phone. Prize a ½ day boat trip on Loch Ken with Andrew Blunsum one of Dumfries and Galloway Council’s Rangers

People’s choice – the sort listed photos will be posted and the 5 that get the most likes will be used as banners for the Wild Seasons in Dumfries and Galloway Facebook pages.

Spot prizes – we will be announcing and awarding spot prizes as the competition gets underway, these might be for the best bird of the day, best fungi photo or an under 16s prize etc..

The terms and conditions of entry can be found on the wildseasons web pages (http://wildseasons.co.uk/cgblog/18/202/Facebook-Photographic-Competition-2014) below, you must not be a professional photographer and there is a limit of 10 entries per category.

Judges will be Keith Kirk (DGCRangers); Morag Paterson (Leeming and Paterson); Elizabeth Tindal (DGCRangers) and Robin Baird (DGWGO). Also you, the public for the public vote category.

Opens at midnight today and will run until midnight on Friday 9th May.

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