


Local MP Richard Arkless has added his voice to the growing number of people who object to the California wind farm near Carsluth which has been proposed by renewable energy firm Ecotricity.

More than 1250 residents and six Community Councils have now raised objections to the erection of seven 110 meter high turbines on Stroans Hill which overlooks Wigtown Bay.

Commening on the proposals Mr Arkless said:

“I fully support Scotland’s ambitions plans to harness electricity from our many natural resources, but this proposal could have a very damaging consequences to the local community in and around Wigtown Bay. It is my very firm view that the economic dangers inherent with this proposal, completely outweigh any direct or indirect economic benefit.

“Wigtown is a town based almost exclusively on tourism related activities, it attracts people seeking tranquility in an unspoilt natural environment. Wigtown Bay itself is Britain’s largest local nature reserve, with salt mashes, unique wildlife and a very hard to find quite isolation that draws a growing numbers of visitors to the area year on year. It is not the place for such an imposing wind farm which could potentially destroy the fragile but growing tourism industry that the residents of Wigtown have been working so hard to expand.”

He went on to say:

“I have supported some wind farm developments locally since being elected but this is proposal is a step to far.

“I have written to the Planning and Environmental Appeals board to formally submit my objection to Ecotricity’s plans. I hope they they will listen to the voice of the local people and say no to the California wind farm.”

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