Dumfries and Galloway Council’s Community Learning and Development Team in Annan has identified a gap in provision of youth work services for young people aged 12 – 25 years with autism spectrum conditions and/or a disability. Assisted by colleagues from Quarriers, the group has been running every Thursday at Annan Community Hub, Ednam Street, Annan from 7–9pm. The weekly meeting is now in its fifth month and is proving to be ever popular with service users.
The group were recently successful in applying to D&G Youthbank after young members and leaders identified the need to purchase their own equipment and resources. This will encourage young people to build relationships, socialise with others, participate in a variety of activities and gain access to youth information.
Chair of the Council’s Community and Customer Services, Cllr Tom McAughtrie said;
“It is refreshing to hear that the D&G Youthbank is continuing to fund such worthy and rewarding groups. The group is clearly popular with users and it is good to see that our Council is working with partners to provide a top class service to service users. I am sure they will get excellent use out of the equipment purchased with the Youthbank funding.”
For any more information on Youthbank funding or to request an application form please contact Scott Muir, Youthbank Youth Co-ordinator on 01461 207044 or [email protected]