BBC Breakfast to focus on menopause with live DGRI episode

NATIONAL TV show BBC Breakfast is set to broadcast live from Dumfries and Galloway Royal Infirmary on Tuesday May 14.

And a call is going out for anyone who has attended one of the NHS information sessions on the menopause, or accessed the menopause service, to be present on the morning and share their thoughts.

The live BBC One show is dedicating a week of its output to the menopause, timed to coincide with the European Congress on Menopause and Andropause which will be taking place in Berlin at the same time.

Regular sections of the show will come from DGRI, as the BBC presenter speaks to local clinicians including Associate Specialist Gynaecologist Dr Heather Currie who leads the local menopause service and has helped run information sessions for the public and staff about the menopause.

The TV team are keen to speak with any members of the public of staff who have attended, and to hear from their own perspective what they have gained from these sessions.

Dr Currie said: “It’s fantastic that a major TV show like this is dedicating so much coverage to such an important issue which will affect every woman.
“We’re delighted that we have a chance to help promote some key messages about the menopause and promote the work that we carry out within Dumfries and Galloway, and to do so while showing off the region’s fantastic new hospital.”

Can anyone interested in being a part of the broadcast which begins early in the morning of Tuesday May 14 please contact [email protected] or telephone 01387 241061.


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