The Stove Celebrates the Birth of the Bard

The Stove Network, 100 High Street,Dumfries will host a week of events to celebrate the life of Robert Burns. Between the 19th and 28th January, The Stove is proud to be working with the Wee Fringe and the Big Burns Supper, as well as being the base for the second D-Lux Festival of Light.

On Friday 19th January, The Stove will host an evening of short films with an outdoor pizza oven, in which people are invited to come along and make their own pizzas freshly fired in The Stove’s Backyard as part of the ongoing project to explore new ways of using the spaces of the town centre. The event will begin at 7pm and is free to attend. Please note that in the event of very bad weather, this event will be postponed.

On Tuesday 23rd, The Stove will host an introduction to a very exciting 12-week project; ‘Soundsystems’. The project is open to all young people aged between 14 and 25 living in Dumfries, in which they will be supported to build their own sound system and be shown how to operate it for festivals and events. The workshop begins at 5pm and is free to attend, with a showcase gig beginning at 7pm. Come along to see what it’s about and sign up for the project.

From Wednesday 24th, D-Lux Festival of Light will be repurposing the Baker’s Oven façade with their video projection ‘Whose Hoose is This?’. The project aims to signal that a positive change is coming to the High Street. For more information, please email [email protected].

On Thursday 25th, emerging artists platform, Blueprint100 will celebrate the birth of Rabbie Burns with ‘The Blueprint Burns Supper’. The open Burns Supper invites local acts to come along to recite works of Robert Burns while enjoying some locally sourced food from 7pm.

To draw a close to the week of events, The Stove’s monthly free event, Brave New Words, will have a special Burns themed evening. From 7pm, members of the public are invited to contribute their own poetry, stories or song to the monthly open mic night. It’s where Rabbie would have been on the last Friday of every month! For more information, please contact [email protected].