Weekend of Events Planned to Remember Dumfries’ Hero’s of the Titanic



Dumfries-based paranormal researchers and tour guides – Mostly Ghostly Investigations – are set to launch a brand new history tour this weekend on the 104th anniversary of the world’s most famous shipping disaster.



For the past few months, the team have been researching a walking tour – Heroes of the Titanic – which will explore and celebrate the incredible lives of two local men who were lost in the sinking. Guests will discover the story of John Law Hume (known as Jock), who boarded the ship as first violinist with the now iconic orchestra, and his friend Thomas Mullin, who signed onto Titanic on April 6th as a third-class steward.


Team founder Kathleen Cronie said: “We aim to bring Jock and Tom’s stories to life in locations that would have been familiar to them growing up in Dumfries.” And while the tour is not about the ship itself, the team will be exploring the consequences of this world-changing event. Kathleen added: “Guests will time-travel to different aspects of local life, both before and after the sinking, learning how it impacted on friends, families and local communities.”


The launch night begins with a film screening of Titanic classic: A Night to Remember at the Robert Burns Centre, which will be introduced by the team’s special guest, Christopher Ward. Christopher is the grandson of John Law Hume; his mother, Johnann, was born a few months after the ship sank. Team member Kathleen Cronie said: “We’re delighted to be welcoming Christopher to the first tour; it will feel especially poignant due to his personal links with Jock Hume. Christopher wrote an incredible book: And The Band Played On, which was one of the key inspirations for us to create a tour about his grandfather’s life and the aftermath of his death.” Following the film, guests will gather for the official public debut around Dumfries.


To celebrate the new tour launch, Mostly Ghostly have also organised a free event on Saturday 16th April at St. George’s Church Hall. This event will spotlight further local links with Titanic including; Lieut. William McMaster Murdoch from Dalbeattie, who rose to the rank of First Officer and sadly went down with the ship. He was a well-respected man who despite his high position in life, always had time for other people with no airs and graces.


Nana Harper’s fascinating life will also be covered. Following escape in a lifeboat aged just six, Nan eventually married a minister from the region and settled in Moffat. This is very much an interactive event and the team aim to promote guest participation. Team member John Hill said: “We’re keen to hear the views of guests and any personal insights they might bring to the discussion. We’d also like to raise the topic of why the Titanic story is as gripping today as it was 104 years ago.”


Summing up, John said: With the strong local connections and worldwide recognition, we feel the tour has great potential, attracting guests who wish to learn more about this very moving human story. Even better, they can experience it around locations that have close ties with Jock and Tom, bringing their story closer to home.”

Kathleen added: “Ultimately, our tour remembers two young school pals with a passion for life, who set off to sea with high hopes – what an accolade to be working on the magnificent “Ship of Dreams.” They behaved admirably in the face of unthinkable adversity and through their courage and sacrifice; we believe they brought comfort, hope and may even have helped others survive. Their memory lives on.”


More Info: [email protected] – www.mostlyghostly.org https://twitter.com/MostlyGhostly_  https://www.facebook.com/mostlyghostlyinvestigations